University of Illinois – Gies College of Business – Email Campaign – Q1/2024
Email Campaign Results


Your Campaign Results

The University of Illinois – Gies College of Business plans to send out 2 emails, reaching an audience of 50,000 juniors and seniors pursuing a degree in accounting at various universities nationwide. Additionally, the first send will showcase 50,000 retargeting impressions to those who innteracted with the email.

Averaging the results of both sends, the Click-Through Rate (CTR) surpassed the established benchmark of 1.5%, and the Click-To-Open Rate (CTOR) exceeded the 10% benchmark, indicating the effectiveness of the messaging in engaging the target audience.

It’s worth mentioning that, although not the most clicked links (but surely important!), the admissions webform for Chicago received 16 hits, while Austin received 13 hits.

The second email, sent on 2/20/24, yielded robust results, a trend typically observed in second sends and emails featuring added video content.





Campaign Graphic

First Send – 1/24/24


Open Rate


Click Rate


Click-to-Open Ratio

Most Clicked Links

Gies Home Page

MAS Page


Retargeting Metrics



Second Send – 2/20/24


Open Rate


Click Rate


Click-to-Open Ratio

Most Clicked Links

MAS Page

YouTube Video

Gies Home Page


Compliment and Enhance Your Results


Email Frequency – 
Although two-send campaigns have shown success, clients achieving the highest performance metrics generally follow a cadence of two to three sends per calendar month consistently over several months. Increasing the cadence to a bi-weekly send, rather than a monthly cadence typically lends itself to stronger results. Additionally, if third send occurs in the same calendar month, we offer a discounted third send rate.
Geofencing –

This impression-based targeting tactic works by setting up a geofence around a specific location, along with a carefully selected target audience. We typically advise a duration of 30-60 days to complement an existing campaign (some partners prefer a hands-off approach, allowing us to optimize their monthly impression-based branding). This tactic delivers ads through mobile applications and desktop banner displays. Its primary goal is to elevate brand visibility and campaign awareness, often leading to enhanced overall performance as the demographic becomes more familiar with your brand.

We’ve witnessed impressive outcomes using this approach and would be delighted to share them with you upon request!



Integrating these two approaches into an upcoming campaign will enhance brand visibility and enable Gies College of Business to sustain meaningful connections with individuals who have not just interacted with the brand but have also become more acquainted. This will ultimately foster greater synergy and yield enhanced results across each strategy.




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