The Coda
Email Campaign Results


Your Campaign Results

The Coda plans to send out a monthly email series aimed at reaching a combined audience of 50,000 graduate and undergraduate students, parents of students, and nurses residing within a 10-mile radius of Syracuse University

The first email was sent on 12/7/23 at 9 AM EST. The unique opens, click-to-open-ratio, is at 10.03%, which shows that the messaging was engaging with the audience whom opened the email.

The second email was sent out on 1/25/24. Although there was a slight decrease in overall engagement compared to the first email, the “Apply Now” call-to-action buttons experienced a significant increase. This could be attributed to timing (first send around finals, second second as students are getting settled in for the semester). Specifically, the “Apply Now” button featuring the referral incentive/bonus saw 66 clicks, proving that this program is resonating with the target audience. 


The third email, sent 3/7/24, targeted marketing efforts towards the one-bedroom and studio options, accompanied by an announcement regarding Cafe Kubal, which added to its credibility. In addition to the clicks noted in the results below, there were 104 clicks from individuals interested in The Coda’s special features and 67 clicks to view floor plans specifically. Furthermore, the “Apply Today” button received 24 clicks, guiding prospects seamlessly to the next step in the process. The final retargeting results were 50,000 impressions served with another 255 clicks taken to head towards The Coda’s homepage. This not only increased engagement, but also branding and awareness via impressions, following those who interacted with this email specifically. 

The fourth email aimed primarily at encouraging applications. We minimized the number of click-through actions and included an additional “Apply Today” button at the email’s bottom. This resulted in 111 clicks, compared to the 143 from the top button.

Building on the momentum from the fourth email, the fifth email targeted students who hadn’t yet finalized their housing plans before finals week. Time sensitivity was crucial, emphasizing immediate action with a focus on applying now. This fifth send yielded the most impressive metrics of the campaign overall, boasting a 2.04% click-through rate (CTR), a 10.74% click-to-open rate (CTOR), and an impressive 565 direct clicks to apply now!



Campaign Graphic

First Send – 12/7/23


Open Rate


Click Rate


Click-to-Open Ratio

Most Clicked Links


Coda Home Page


Retargeting Metrics



Second Send – 1/25/24


Open Rate


Click Rate


Click-to-Open Ratio

Most Clicked Links


Coda Home Page

Special Features

Third Send – 3/7/24


Open Rate


Click Rate


Click-to-Open Ratio

Most Clicked Links


Coda Home Page


30 Day Retargeting Metrics



Fourth Send – 3/28/24


Open Rate


Click Rate


Click-to-Open Ratio

Most Clicked Links

Coda Home Page

Apply Now


Fifth Send – 4/25/24


Open Rate


Click Rate


Click-to-Open Ratio

Most Clicked Links

Apply Now

Special Features



Compliment and Enhance Your Results


Stay Tuned

Gathering Data 

Currently gathering data as we progress through your campaign to learn and optimize 



We’ve been excited with the success thus far via The Coda’s email campaign, and we’re not jumping to any conclusions just yet! 


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